NIH Contractor Performance System HHS Logo

Privacy Policy

This is a privacy policy for https:///

Contact Information

Our homepage on the Internet is located at https:///

Chris Chavis
NIH Building 2, Room E16G 9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892

You may contact us by e-mail at
You may contact us by phone on 301-594-8240

Dispute Resolution

Disputes will be handled by applicable law.
Applicable law will act as dictated by law.

Data Collection

When visiting Web sites certain information about you and your computer can sometimes be collected. This section explains what information Chris Chavis collects and how it is used.

We collect the following information about our visitors:

  • If you are a Contractor Representative
    • Your name
    • Your employer information (Name, Address, DUNS and TIN Number )
    • Your business contact information (Phone number and email address)
    • An alternate contact name
    • An alternate contact's business contact information (Phone number and email address)
    • Information such as which page was accessed, the time of the access, IP of the visitor etc.
    • Historical information such as when you started a transaction, completed a transaction etc.
  • If you are a Government user:
    • Your name
    • Your organization/agency information
    • Your business contact information (Phone number and email address)
    • Information such as which page was accessed, the time of the access, IP of the visitor etc.
    • Historical information such as when you started a transaction, completed a transaction etc.

We collect this information for the following reason:

  • Completion and Support of Current Activity
  • You are now entering the NIH Contractor Performance System (CPS). By entering the System you agree to abide by the security measures established and incorporated into the CPS to protect against unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, the information contained herein. This System contains contractor performance evaluations whose disclosure is restricted under FAR 3.104-3, FAR 3.104-4, and FAR 42.1503(b)(3) as Source Selection/Confidential information. Information contained within the evaluations is also protected under the Privacy Act, as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, which prohibits unauthorized access to this information. Accordingly, this information falls under Exemption 5 of the Freedom of Information Act and is not releasable. The integrity of the System is ensured through constant auditing of its security. OMB CLEARANCE NO. 9000-0142 SOURCE SELECTION INFORMATION/CONFIDENTIAL


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